by Gilbert Andia, Jr. | Aug 18, 2014 | Blog, Design Patents, Furniture, Intellectual Property, Trademark
Whether it is used for the appearance of a suite of furniture, or the shape of a soft drink bottle, the legal concept of “trade dress” has been used to protect a wide variety of designs that were otherwise not protectable under traditional... by Gilbert Andia, Jr. | Aug 16, 2014 | News
Higgins Benjamin, PLLC, is pleased to announce the addition of Margaret McNairy Chase to the firm. Formerly with Rossabi, Black & Slaughter, PA, Margaret brings more than a decade of experience to the firm. She is a graduate of Wake Forest University School of Law... by Gilbert Andia, Jr. | Aug 15, 2014 | News
In a jury trial that lasted five days, Bert Andia and Mandy Castle successfully obtained a jury verdict for approximately $500,000. Bert and Mandy represented a bank that loaned money to a developer to purchase certain property, but who did not pay the full amount of... by Gilbert Andia, Jr. | Aug 14, 2014 | News
After a trial court awarded summary judgment on securities fraud and breach of contract claims against his client, Bert Andia and Mandy Castle appealed the trial court’s decision to the North Carolina Court of Appeals. In the recently decided case of Brown v....